Black and Green is an expansive and expensive project. Our pricing is set up to make books affordable and accessible, keeping things within reach. The two best ways to help support our work is to spread it and to contribute where possible. Please share our work where you can, we are always available for talks, interviews and workshops.
Below are some additional ways you can support the project. Thank you!

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The Patreon is for Kevin Tucker, but, hi, that’s me. Black and Green and I are completely intertwined. Signing up for monthly support is a huge help.
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Like what we’re doing? The nature of the internet is that feedback and sharing make the cyber-world go round. If you like our books, please review them on the gnarly beasts, like Amazon and then places like Goodreads. The Primal Anarchy podcast is on all the podcast platforms and can be reviewed there. But if there are real world publications that would like to review or interview about B&G, please contact us.