Spreading the Resistance bundle: Gathered and Cu
Spreading the Resistance bundle: Gathered and Cu
As I’m working on new books, it’s important for me to point out that my work is meant to build on itself. The point is to evolve and expand, not repeat forever.
These two books, in particular; Gathered Remains and Cull of Personality, cover a lot of ground. Grounds that the books I’m currently writing weave throughout.
The reality is that every bit of the horrifying realities of a world thrown out of balance, filled with the brutality of grotesque systemic violence, and the eternal expansion of authoritarian strong arming, is not something new or unknown. Technology has brought it to an new level, but we’re seeing the truth of a flailing Leviathan in its death throes. And it speaks of power. It tells us it is here to stay, while building its house of cards upon the Earth it is scorching.
It is unbearable. It is unthinkable. It is grotesque.
What we need to do is to call it what it is: an engorged parasite that would kill its host. We need to see it for what it is. We need to see the means by which it pulls it’s corpse over our lives.
We need to see the strings, and we need to bleed it out.
These books are about those strings, that system and the world it destroys. A better collapse is possible, and it is my hope that these books help open up that rage. It’s long overdue.
For the fires next time, KT